A List of Ideal PHP IDEs for Website Developers
IDE , Integrated Development Environment eases the web development by offering some comprehensive facilities. A few of the exclusive features of IDE are listed below.
IDE Features
Syntax HighLighting which improves code Readability
Code Completion , Automatic Code Completion saves time for development.
Navigation or Go To action
Errors and Warning highlighting
Debugging -Provides Line By Line Debugging and let you see the value of variable under scope
Refactoring and Code generation- Refactoring is turning weak code into solid code . some IDE will generate automatic code , for example for constructor.
Versioning System, helps to see different versions of a file before merging action is applied.
Highlighted below are some of the ideal PHP IDEs that can be used for website development.
- Aptana Studio
This framework is a front runner in some open source IDEs.It is based on Eclipse development Enviroment. It has a limitation in the form of java script debugging.It support Windows,Linux,Mac Os. Aptana Studio has full default compatibility with HTML,CSS,Javascript. The compactibility can be enhanced with plugins.
Download :http://www.aptana.com/
- CodeLobster PHP Edition
The trial version of this IDE is available for one month. All the plugins are paid and trial is also available. It comes with auto-complete features for CSS,PHP,Java,HTML. SQL manager helps to generate all the necessary function with database. Portable option allows us to use the IDE without preliminary installation.
Download :http://www.codelobster.com/
- DreamWeaver
It is WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor . It is flexible with both designers and programmers.This IDE is paid and also trial version is available. Some version of this IDE is not compatible with Mac OS. JRE is one of the requirements, compared to other IDE’s its system requirement is pretty much high.
Download : http://www.adobe.com/in/products/dreamweaver.html
- Komodo IDE
Its a commercial product works on Windows,Mac,Linux. One of its unique feature is that it supports regular expression debugging. Disadvantage is that it does not facilitate database integration.
Download : http://komodoide.com/download/
- NetBeans IDE
It is a complete IDE. It is a java application requires java to run.It supports most of the framework and Git debugging. It runs on Windows, Mac ,Solaris,Linux.
Download : https://netbeans.org/downloads/6.8/
- Notepad++
Its a free source code editor run on microsoft Windows environment supports most of features of good IDE. The navigation in this IDE tool is littler complex.
Download : http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.7.4.html
- PHP Storm
It runs on windows,Mac,Linux OS.It features error highlighting,navigation,automatic code completion and more.
Download: https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/download/
- Rapid PHP
It is a far more powerful editor for window. Support HTML , CSS, javascript,PHP and other web development languages.It is ease-to-use editor.
Download: http://www.rapidphpeditor.com/download.php
- Ultra Edit
It is a complex IDE, ideal for experienced users. It is mainly aimed for programmers and is also compatible with linux and windows.
It is paid and free trial is available with full functionality.
Download: http://www.ultraedit.com/downloads/ultraedit_download.html
- Zend Studio
Zend Framework is also a commercial product , works on windows,Mac,Linux. It supports all the features a good IDE should support.Its trial version is available of free of cost.
Download :http://www.zend.com/en/products/studio/downloads
- Eclipse
Eclipse PDT was jointly developed by IBM,Zend . Its an open source tool built on java and compatible with windows,Mac,Linux OS.its an all in one package contains Zend Debugger,Web development tool,Javascript development tool.
Download: https://eclipse.org/downloads/
- BlueFish Editor
It supports on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, Mac OSX, AltLinux, OpenSolaris and Windows.
The autocomplete is much better than DreamWeaver and less probable to add garbage code.
Download : http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/download.html
Choosing the right PHP IDE is one among the factors that influence the ease with which you can proceed your web development works. One of the ideal strategies to sort out the right IDE which suits your experience level as well as your work is to focus on the features by using the trial version IDE.