Xamarin : Develop your cross platform Mobile apps

  • Cubettech
  • Web App Development
  • 11 years ago

Before going into our topic Xamarin, we should have a clear picture on how a mobile app is written. Everybody knows what a mobile app is but I would like to start by giving a brief on types of mobile apps.This type includes native, web apps and a combination of both.

Going into a small elaboration, by using all the hardware features which is available on a device, native apps run directly on a mobile device. They are highly interactive and rich with features. But in this approach developers have to learn a specific language for each platform as like Java for android and C for iOS. Web apps, the second type, will run on any web browser. The user has to launch a web browser on his device whenever he is in need of using the app. And these are less interactive and the functionalities and scope are limited, but are less expensive.

The third is a combination of both by taking the best of each. Although this approach sounds enticing, hybrid apps suffer from performance issues, and are not easily scalable as the user base increases.

And here comes the relevance of using Xamarin. This will let developers to create UIs which are unique to each platform. The components created can easily be used on another platform with the help of C# programming language. Xamarin helps developers because they don’t want to create apps look the same on all platforms.

Xamarin is a world class development environment for cross-platform mobile apps. It provides access to native APIs and objects for interface with iOS and Android. Xamarin understands that apps have  lots of highly reusable components that can be shared across platforms rather hiding beyond the surface.

Benefits of Xamarin in Application Development

  • Xamarin allows you to take advantage of the powerful IDE and do a faster development
  • Maintenance of the code is easier
  • The validation of core application code is needed only once for multiple platforms.
  • A high performing compiled code with full access to native APIs will be the output.
  • App testing is a breeze with Xamarin TestCloud – it allows you to test your apps on hundreds of devices – with continuous integration, test for fragmentation, reports and object-based UI testing.

Some Limitations

  • The apps based on Xamarin tend to be little larger in size. This can affect the download time of app and also the load time. Xamarin is constantly working towards reducing the size and app loading overhead and over period, it has considerably reduced.
  • You are bound to technology with Xamarin. That is you cannot reuse the Xamarin code for HTML 5, iOS or Android.
  • The developer community and ecosystem is still smaller than HTML 5 or Android development community. It is limited and still evolving.

But still hundreds of companies and more than 500,000 developers across the world have already started adapting this cutting-edge technology. If you are still late, please do a rush to join the crowd.
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