What will the future hold for AI?

  • Cubettech
  • AI Consulting
  • 3 years ago
What will the future hold for AI?

Have you ever thought of self-driving cars, self-piloted planes, and stronger cybersecurity network? From smartphones to chatbots, artificial intelligence has brought a revolution in every industry. 

AI has acted as one of the supreme and prominent drivers of emerging technologies like robotics, big data and IoT. It is impacting the future of every business vertical and human being and will continue to do so for foreseen future possibilities. 

So let’s explore the future of AI and its impact on several industry levels in detail- 

Health Care 

The health care sector is a constant talking point that is going to expand multi-fold in years to come. With the incorporation of AI, you will be able to reduce the waiting time. Wondering how? The existence of virtual assistance will replace the existing mode of communication. These assistants will communicate with patients, answer their routine questions and suggest the right treatment for any problem.  

Besides that, researchers are currently working in collecting, compiling and interpreting relevant data to cure some of the world’s deadliest diseases. This will complement AI to spot the pattern of humans and respond to every patient in no time with the best suggestion. 


Traffic. We all are frustrated due to jam-packed traffic. Thanks to AI for launching self-driving cars with automated functioning. These AI drivers will drop you at your destination in a lesser time, unlike humans. Autonomous cars are already here but watch their ubiquitous performance shortly. 

Along with that, self-driving planes are also on the horizon that cut the involvement of pilots. This is economically beneficial for an aeroplane industry that commands safety and security too. 

Cyber Security 

Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of our lives. Today, several companies are struggling to run one step ahead of hackers and enhance data security and confidential information. According to USC researchers, AI will contribute to protecting data more systematically and pointing out even the minute theft. 

Due to technological advancement, AI tools will trace the patterns of human with every malicious activity. It will prevent even a massive amount of information before it gets stolen. This will keep people safe from terrorism and potential data loss. 

Education Sector 

In future, Artificial Intelligence will digitalize textbooks and cut the involvement of tutors. Through virtual tutors, students can interact and ask their doubts. Moreover, these virtual tutors will gauge facial expression and map out patterns like which students have a low retention power. It will trace who is struggling to understand the concept, getting bored or lacking interest, and will change the strategies. 

Also, AI chatbots will communicate at any point to resolve doubts or re-explain the concept. Besides that, AI will also automate the grading system so professors can spend more time in the classroom. 


Agriculture is one of the toughest and strenuous sectors when it comes to manual labour work. Farmers have big machinery and tractors to plough the field that aids them in their work. With the augmentation of AI, the agriculture sector will become smarter and more efficient. 

Through the latest AI tools like FarmView, it will become quite easy to undergo crop management and plant breeding. These tools and machinery will not only save time, and cost but also reduce manual labour in the industry. 

Besides that, various farmers have large acres of land and it gets difficult to manage. So, with a drone, one can track and survey the land as well as the quality of the crop. 

Thus, AI is about to bring some disruptive changes in various industry verticals. Start exploring its implication into your business to step ahead of your competitors.

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