Top 10 traits you must look in a backend developer

The sensation for backend development is flourishing in the Web Development Hemisphere. It manages the behind-the-scenes activities and creates logic for web app development. Yet, you always need a well experienced and best of the breed developers who can shine your business out. Here, we have discussed the top traits for Backend development are-
- Knowledge of popular frameworks
No developer is versatile with all phases of website development. They must adapt to the popular framework for ensuring incredible solutions. While hiring any Backend Developer, confirm that he is familiar with Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, and others.
- Understanding with JavaScript
The Backend Developer must have an in-depth understanding of JavaScript. He must know how to deal with DOM, JSON. It will help in consolidating with Asynchronous control flow and call back works to make your web page interactive and dynamic.
- Know about UX Design
UX Design plays a pivotal role in improving the user experience and attracting the potential customer base. Besides backend development, the developer needs to go through visual preparations, Semantic HTML, CSS pre-processors, and others to create a masterpiece with the latest trends.
- Expertise with browser API
Looking towards the growing trends for browsers, backend developers must have expertise with API. They must learn how to deal with third-party integration and manage the payment gateways for a seamless experience.
- End user-focused
While hiring, you must not only focus on following the guidelines of the assigned task. It requires writing clean codes and implementing the algorithm that focuses on the requirements of end-users.
- Team collaboration
It is difficult for any developer to build, design, and launch digital products alone especially for big-ticket projects. It requires the consolidation and collaboration of different team members. Backend developers must race with the team to communicate, comment, and deploy the project.
- Effective time manager
Working with tight deadlines and meeting the goals is an essential skill while hiring developers for Backend development. Yet, showing up time for group discussion and attending a client’s meeting is a virtue to have.
- Server Handling
Every website requires an experienced backend developer. They deal with many sets of lengthy databases. They manage, cater, alter, arrange, store, and recover the essential information. And, this avoids potential data threats and data loss. It will be a plus if you hire a developer with My SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and others for a server management protocol.
- Know web app architecture
An advanced developer must know about the web app architecture. He should be capable of scaling the apps for improving the loading time with Backend development. So, look after someone who can manage and separate the files, host large size files, and facilitates computation expertise.
- Positive attitude
Irrespective of having years of experience, even the best backend developer fails to maintain a positive attitude. Yet, this gives you the trust and reliability within the project to perform it better and stronger.
Cubet is one of the leading Backend Development Company. Hire developers now for your next project.