The Critical Role of BRD in the Software Development Process

  • Lakshmi HLakshmi H
  • Business
  • 8 months ago
The Critical Role of BRD in the Software Development Process

A well-documented BRD (Business Requirements Document) is the foundation of a successful IT project. Technical documentation, understanding user requirements, and establishing standards help project managers avoid project creep and ensure their team delivers the right value. 

A BRD outlines everything a project involves and helps everyone understand what's required to succeed. In this article, we'll explore what a BRD is, why it's useful, and how to create one step by step. We have also included a free sample template to help you kickstart your project. 


What is a Business Requirements Document (BRD)?

A Business Requirements Document (BRD) is the roadmap for your project. It explains what a business wants to achieve with a project, why it's essential, and what it should do. So, it is here to lay down a foundation for the development team to create a solution that aligns with the business's needs.

It also communicates between business stakeholders and the project team, ensuring everyone clearly understands the project's objectives and expectations. 

The BRD may undergo revisions as the project progresses and is applied in real life. Hence, it becomes a reference point throughout the project's life, guiding the development, testing, and implementation phases. This reference point helps ensure the final product aligns with the initial project goals.


Who Creates These Documents?

The BRD is one of the first documents in a project's lifecycle. So, it becomes extremely important in setting the direction for the entire project. 

To make sure it is done properly, it is normally documented by business analysts or project managers along with key stakeholders. They work closely with subject matter experts, end-users, and other relevant parties to collect necessary information. 

While business analysts typically take the lead in creating the BRD, it's a collaborative effort of many others. This includes:

  • Project team 
  • Business partners 
  • Subject matter experts 
  • Business analysts
  • Project managers
  • End Users
  • Suppliers
  • Distributors

Their collective insights ensure that the document has all the required details and accurately represents the needs and goals of the business.


Why Do You Need a BRD? 

As explained above, BRD is a very crucial document. So, why do you exactly need it? How does it benefit you?

  • It helps to promote healthy and effective communication between different business stakeholders. This communication ensures a shared understanding of project goals and requirements.
  • BRD helps to detail and document project needs and objectives comprehensively. This detail clearly explains what the project is set to achieve.
  • It becomes a guiding document for the development team, outlining the things required to meet business objectives.
  • Drafting BRD helps to discuss every matter beforehand and get the business stakeholders to a consensus. This drafting helps to prevent misunderstandings and lags led by discussion in the future.
  • It acts as a documented basis for decision-making throughout the project lifecycle. This basis helps in conflict management and understanding where the project is going wrong.


Key Components of a Sample Business Requirements Document

A BRD can have a lot of sections and elements. But few of the most important elements of a BRD are:

1. Summary Statement

The brief intro of the project tells what the project is about. It only highlights the most essential details, like providing an overview of its purpose and the main objectives it wants to achieve.

Highlight critical aspects that will capture the attention of stakeholders and give them a quick understanding of the project's essence.

2. Project Objectives

Clearly state the specific and measurable goals the project is intended to accomplish. Be concise and focused on outcomes that are measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives of the project. Define what success looks like and how achievements will be measured. 

So, suppose the project is about an IT software development that has to be completed in 30 days. In that case, you can make it precise and detail-oriented by introducing smaller deadlines based on different milestones you can achieve while developing the software.

3. Needs Statement

You should describe the problems or needs the project is trying to solve and why it exists. 

Conduct a thorough analysis of the potential problems the project might face or the areas that necessitate the project. Use real-world case studies to illustrate the impact of these needs on the business.

4. Project Scope

Clearly define what the project will and won't do. Set the boundaries of the work scope and the processes involved. Detail the functionalities, features, and deliverables that the project will provide. This detail helps manage expectations and prevents scope creep during project execution.

5. Functional Requirements

This section must have all the details related to what the project should be able to do - the specific features and functions it needs. 

Use cases, scenarios, or diagrams to illustrate how the system will work. Ensure that these requirements align with the business goals outlined in the BRD.

6. Schedule, Timeline & Deadlines

Form a timeline that shows when different parts of the project will happen. Create a schedule outlining the project’s key milestones and deadlines for each phase. Provide estimates for the duration of each task, ensuring a realistic and achievable timeline. Communicate dependencies between tasks.

7. Assumptions

Finally, highlight the situations, conditions, factors, and other things we assume to be true for planning. This factor could include assumptions about technology, market conditions, or the availability of resources. Explicitly state the potential impact if these assumptions turn out to be incorrect.


Tips For Creating a BRD

Before you start drafting a BRD, here are some useful tips that could help you save time and prevent mistakes that could cost you a lot of time and money.

  • Involve key stakeholders from the beginning. Their insights are important for understanding the project’s needs.
  • Clearly outline the objectives of the project. Make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to provide a clear direction for the project team.
  • Conduct a thorough analysis of business needs. Document the challenges, opportunities, and goals the project aims to address. This understanding forms the foundation of your BRD.
  • Write in simple language. Avoid technical jargon that may confuse non-technical stakeholders. 
  • Provide detailed information about the functionalities and features that the project will deliver. This information helps manage expectations and prevents scope creep.
  • Identify constraints that may impact the project. This transparency helps in managing expectations and mitigating risks.
  • Regularly review and validate the BRD with the head stakeholders. This iterative process helps in catching any issues early on.
  • Seek formal approval and sign-off from key stakeholders once the BRD is complete. This approval signifies their agreement with the document and commitment to the outlined requirements.


Sample Business Requirements Document

Here is a sample BRD template for your business use. Feel free to adjust the format for your unique business requirements. 

1. Introduction:- Objective: Develop Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) food delivery software to simplify the ordering and delivery process.
- Purpose: Enhance customer experience, optimize order management, and increase operational efficiency.
2. Summary:- The D2C food delivery software aims to revolutionize the customer experience by providing an intuitive platform for ordering and delivering food directly to consumers.
3. Needs Statement:- The current system lacks a user-friendly interface for customers, leading to potential order errors and delays in delivery. The need is to implement a comprehensive D2C software solution that addresses these issues.
4. Project Objectives:- Improve customer satisfaction by offering a user-friendly interface.
- Streamline order management processes for both customers and restaurants and make it intuitive.
- Optimize delivery routes for efficient and timely order fulfillment.
5. Project Scope:Features:
- User registration and authentication
- Intuitive menu browsing and order placement
- Real-time order tracking
- Secure payment gateway integration
- Delivery route optimization
- Order history and customer feedback system
- Third-party integrations beyond payment and delivery optimization
- Inclusion of non-food items in the software
6. Functional Requirements:User Module:
- User registration and profile management
- Authentication for secure access
Ordering Module:
- Menu display with images and descriptions
- Cart functionality for order customization
- Integration with a secure payment gateway
Delivery Module:
- Real-time order tracking for customers
- Delivery route optimization for drivers
Feedback Module:
- Customer feedback and rating system
- Review and response functionality for the restaurant
7. Schedules and Deadlines:- Start Date: [Specify]
- Milestone 1: Developing design; Date: [Specify]
- Milestone 2: Developing a basic Framework; Date: [Specify]
- Milestone 3: Complete the first version of the software; Date: [Specify]
- Milestone 4: Beta testing and bugs removal; Date [Specify]
- Milestone 5: Final testing; Date: [Specify]
- Submission Date: [Specify]
8. Assumptions:- Availability of API for payment gateway integration
- Adequate server capacity for hosting and scaling
9. Approval:- [Project Sponsor's Name]
- [Project Manager's Name]


Summary of Key Points

A Business Requirements Document (BRD) is a crucial roadmap for project success, outlining what a business aims to achieve, why it's essential, and what the project should deliver. Consider it a detailed plan that sets the stage for the development team to create a solution aligned with the business's unique needs.

Here is the TL;DR of the key points discussed: 

  • Early involvement of stakeholders, analysts, and project managers is critical.
  • Key Components: Summary, objectives, needs, scope, requirements, timeline, assumptions.
  • Tips for BRD: Involve stakeholders early, define SMART objectives, analyze needs, and seek approval.
  • Simple language enhances clarity, making it accessible to all.
  • Regular reviews, validations, and formal approvals ensure effectiveness.

Ready to start with your project journey? Our skilled Cubet team can help you create any BRD that helps ease your project communication, makes the process more accessible, and meets your project goals. We develop solutions that resonate with your business needs. Connect with us for a purpose-driven development experience.


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