Measuring DevOps Performance With Metrics and Analytics

  • Cubettech
  • DevOps
  • 2 years ago
Measuring DevOps Performance With Metrics and Analytics

DevOps as a business drive improves collaboration and communication, increasing the quality and speed of software deployment. It provides a profound implication for the organizations and teams working on the project. Most employees believe that DevOps has a positive impact on their organization. 

Moreover, a recent DevOps study found that DevOps practitioners release two hundred times more frequently and 100 times faster than low-performing teams.

Each metric is an integral part of DevOps. It provides essential data that requires the teams to have complete control and visibility of their development pipeline. 

DevOps metrics are data points that help to reveal the performance of software development pipelines. Plus, it helps identify and remove the bottlenecks in the process. 

It tracks the technical capabilities and the team process. It blurs the line between the operation and development teams, which helps in better collaboration between admins and developers. 

Additionally, it allows the teams to measure collaborative workflow and track the process of high-level goals. In short, it helps in a faster release cycle and improved app performance. Different metrics help to measure DevOps performance. 

DevOps consulting services or a DevOps development company can help you with metrics. Here are some DevOps metrics that a performance team can measure:

Measuring DevOps Performance With Metrics and Analytics:


1. Change Failure Rate


The change failure rate (CFR) is a metric to gauge the frequency of errors or problems leading to unexpected outages or other unplanned failures for customers during deployment to production. The low change failure rate indicates quick and regular deployment, while a higher change means poor application stability, which brings a negative customer experience.

The change failure rate


  • depends on the percentage of the code change. 
  • It may require hot fixes or another way after production. 
  • It does not measure the failures caught by testing. 
  • It is fixed before the actual code is deployed. 


Regarding metrics, there is no sole indicator of success, and deployment frequency is a classic example. Moreover, if the changes fail to deploy too often, the result could be a loss of revenue and may affect customer satisfaction. 

If the KPI indicates a higher failure rate as the deployment improves, you may need to scale back and work on solutions that will give you results. 


2. Deployment Frequency


Changing trends, new features, software improvements, and delivering updates with greater efficiency is critical to building and maintaining a competitive advantage. However, improved deployment frequency will lead to greater agility. It also adjusts to the user’s needs. 


  • When you hire a DevOps engineer, the person can explain to you the frequency of changes in deployment. 
  • Besides, measuring the frequency daily or weekly can give you a better idea of which changes were beneficial and what areas may need improvement. 


A decrease in frequency indicates a problem in the project that can cause an imbalance. Also, deployment frequency metrics should ideally show stability for constant growth – higher frequency points towards issues in the code. Hence holding off deployment until the code is stable is best. 

3. Lead Time


Lead time is the time when code changes to the trunk branch and when it is in a deployed state. Longer lead times lead to more bottlenecks and shorter lead times indicate the feedback is addressed quickly.  

Lead time is a vital metric for measuring DevOps. Measuring the time taken from an idea to the implementation process can also help in the evaluation and work productivity. Moreover, reduced lead time may indicate that the DevOps team is productive, adaptive, and efficient in addressing the feedback. 

The agile approach should enable a reasonable turnaround time for the system changes. In addition, it allows your company to meet the customer’s needs and capitalize on emerging trends. 

DevOps development services or DevOps services and solutions can help you – with the measurement of lead time and other metrics.  


4. Mean Time to Recovery


MTTR (Mean Time to Recover) is one of the best-known and commonly cited DevOps key performance indicator metrics. It is a critical performance indicator that gauges efficiency in resolving different issues. Plus, the ability to evaluate the customer experience repercussions and the business impact provides a complete insight into understanding the problem. 

And once you understand the core problem, you can work on possible solutions. Additionally, the metric measures the average recovery time from failure to resolution. 


  • It provides answers about the customer’s loss of access, abandoned apps, and experienced errors. 
  • When you improve the mean time to recovery – it will reduce the impact of the said problems and protect customers’ interest. 


5. Defect Escape Rate


The defect escape rate tracks the defects uncovered in the pre-production vs. production process. You can’t escape errors as it’s part of the software. Regardless of your team being efficient, errors are bound to happen. Most errors occur when changes are being made to the system, or there is an update. 

Software development requires innovation, and you can expect defects as planned for part of the process. 


  • The defect escape rate is a vital metric that helps assess the software’s collective quality by evaluating how often these errors are discovered. 
  • The errors can be rectified in pre-production or production processes. It is an essential part of measuring DevOps. 


6. Customer Ticket Volume

Customer ticket volume, also known as Customer support volume, measures the total number of conversations support staff have with customers. Customer satisfaction is the most crucial aspect of the business, and you must pay special heed to customer satisfaction. Innovation involves improving customer satisfaction. 

Besides, a seamless customer service experience often translates to increased sales. That’s why customer tickets are a significant metric for the success of your DevOps transformation. A reduction in customer tickets is a strong indicator of quality, which is vital for business growth. 


7. Change Volume


Change volume helps to determine the extent to which the code is changed vs remaining static. DevOps supports making changes often, but the deployment metrics can be misleading. And this holds true if you are measuring the volume of change between the deployments. 

You can focus on more impactful updates that provide a better experience with less disruption. Also, when tracking the amount of change with the deployment, you can measure an accurate representation of progress.  

8. Mean Time to Detection  


(MTTD) Mean Time to Detection is the average time a team spends to find issues once they emerge. It is an indicator of how the monitoring system works. Moreover, it shows the efficiency of bug detection capabilities. It provides valuable insights for DevOps team members and management. 

9. Failed Deployment Rate


Failed deployment rate, also known as failed deployment, reflects performance issues that indicate a bad customer experience. It is one of the crucial metrics when analyzing the success of DevOps as it tracks the percentage or rate of such deployments. 

This metric is instrumental in helping the team build high-quality products from the beginning. It is unrealistic to imagine no failed deployment, which would ideally mean success, but that only sometimes happens. Tracking all failed deployments would be a more realistic goal and prepare for any bottleneck in a successful deployment. 


To Conclude


Continuous improvement plays the base of core practice in DevOps. The ability to track performance across the lead time, deployment frequency, and change failure rate allows the team to accelerate velocity and increase quality. But, first, you need to hire a DevOps consulting team to understand the core concepts better.

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