Is Laravel the right choice for enterprise app development?

  • CubetCubet
  • Laravel Development
  • Dec 31 2018
Is Laravel the right choice for enterprise app development?

Modern enterprises and businesses are on the lookout for applications that drive more competence and efficiency. Enterprise application development requires the right blend of technology, features, and ease of implementation. This blog post is a reflection of our experience after using Laravel for enterprise application development where we would share some features and advantages that sets Laravel apart from the competition.  It’s time that you read and decide which framework to choose for your next project.

Laravel – Prominent Features

Laravel is enabled with the highly extensive Model View Controller (MVC) model and Artisan CLI, that simply accelerates the speed of the development process. When you deal with complex enterprise applications, it is obvious that you have to customize some framework functionalities. Laravel is highly flexible and can be customized according to business requirements. It has become a prime choice for Enterprise Application development as it deals with an Active record implementation, Eloquent Object Relational Mapper (ORM), unit testing support, modular approach, high-security standards and so forth.

Why Enterprises Need Laravel Web Application Development?

To satisfy the evolving demand of modern business era, enterprises intend to provide integrated, real-time experience for customers. Hence, web application development of enterprises is transforming to become more agile and competent. Now with the plenty of choices available for application development, let’s explore why Laravel holds a dominant position in enterprise application development.

Futuristic Approach

Laravel’s creations are very keen on updating Laravel versions and add-on features pop up with each version. Hence, enterprises can be sure of developing future ready web applications that empower your business. Enterprises can stay attuned with their business requirements by upgrading the apps as required. Additionally, it also offers scalability.

Support For Instant App Development

The minimal coding, modular approach of Laravel simplifies the app development process can be improved without the need for additional professional developers. Utilizing this MVC architecture, feature-packed platform, developers can easily come up with single featured apps and micro apps in a swift of time.

Performance Enhancements

Laravel development and customization platform utilizes numerous caching systems amplifies the performance of apps and also permits configuration of various caching systems. With a top performing app, you can attract more audience to your website and eventually generate higher revenues.

Hybrid App Adoption

As the number of mobile users increases, there is a steep demand for hybrid apps as native app development invests a lot of time and investment. Laravel deploys a robust web development framework for developing hybrid apps. This increases the chances of enterprises adopting Laravel based hybrid apps.

High-Security Standards

Enterprise apps hold a huge amount of confidential data, that needs to be kept secure. Security has dependably remained a demanding facet while developing an enterprise application as the frameworks should adopt secured infrastructure and strict security features. Laravel uses several built-in security features that diminish the risk factor and your app performs seamlessly without any vulnerable threats.

Efficient Traffic Management

Laravel utilizes a  message queue system that load balances the activities with other systems in the framework. Even though more traffic arrives at your web app, a message queue system maintains the data integrity along with increasing app speed. This ensures your server to stay healthy amidst of high traffic.

Bottom Line

Laravel owns tons of features like the baked-in queue system, event broadcasting, handy Service Container etc that marks itself as a perfect enterprise application development tools. Successful enterprise-level applications have been built with Laravel across varying business sectors including business and industry, internet and telecom, shopping, Arts and Entertainment etc.

Utilizing microservices architecture, Laravel allows enterprises to create high-performing, secure, service-oriented, scalable enterprise apps. Please feel free to reach us, and we would be happy to guide you through your next project utilizing Laravel. Read through our partnership with Laravel and the benefits we can bring to your project management group.

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