How to Choose the Right Technology Stack to Build a Mobile App?

  • Vishal VijayanVishal Vijayan
  • Application Development
  • 8 months ago
Choose the Right Technology Stack to Build a Mobile App

In 2023 itself, we saw 257 billion mobile app downloads worldwide. This surge in usage emphasizes the importance of understanding the technology stack involved in building these apps.

But what is a technology stack?

When discussing the technology stack for a mobile app, we're essentially discussing the tools and technologies required to create it. It usually has three layers:

  • Frontend (Front): This is what users see and interact with—the app's interface. 
  • Backend (Back): It handles all the data, user requests, and overall functionality. 
  • Database: This is where all the app's information is stored.

So, how do you choose the right tools for these layers? To help you with that, we have created this guide to help you choose the right technology stack to build mobile apps.


Factors That Can Affect Choosing The Right Technology

When selecting a technology that suits your requirements the best, some important factors come into play. They are:

1. Requirement Analysis

  • Why does the app exist in the first place? Answering this question should significantly influence your choices. For example, an e-commerce app with real-time inventory updates requires technology different from a social media platform emphasizing multimedia sharing.
  • Then, we must factor in the growth potential of the app as well. This means we assess the technology chosen to meet current demands and scale as user numbers and features expand.

2. Target Audience

  • Another crucial factor is understanding the target audience's demographics, preferences, and behavior thoroughly. For example, incorporating trendy design elements and fast-paced functionalities might be necessary if the app caters to a younger demographic.
  • Next, in this process, it’s also essential to discover the devices and platforms favored by the target audience. If the app primarily targets iOS users, focusing on technologies that align with Apple's ecosystem becomes non-negotiable.
  • Strong security measures must be integrated for apps handling sensitive data to build trust and ensure data protection from the target audience.

3. Desired Functionalities

  • Listing out all the functionalities the app should perform is very important. This will help you understand the technologies you need for your app, like user authentication, real-time updates, complex algorithms, geotagging, etc.
  • If the app requires integrations with external services or APIs, the chosen technology should be compatible with popular third-party tools.

4. Development Time

  • Opting for technologies with a large pool of skilled developers can expedite the development. 
  • A developer community with ample resources can help troubleshoot issues swiftly, reducing overall development time.
  • Technologies that support rapid prototyping and iterative development also reduce development time. 

5. Cost

  • Open-source options may have lower upfront costs, while licensed solutions might offer additional support and features but come with a price tag.
  • Considering scalability costs is crucial. Some technologies may offer lower initial expenses but can become expensive to scale. Evaluating both short-term and long-term costs helps in making informed budgetary decisions.
  • The ongoing costs associated with maintenance and support should also be factored into the budget. 
  • Also, you might have to spend some money to train your development team on new technology. It is also essential to consider the potential costs of these sessions. But if you opt for technologies with familiar languages or comprehensive support and resources, you can mitigate training expenses.

6. Maintainability

The right technology can make maintenance easier. If you are going for a hybrid approach, using one code for both iOS and Android will simplify the entire maintenance process. Updating and fixing bugs will become more straightforward and consistent. However, this would mean you cannot have personal optimization and customization for both.

  • Choosing a native approach gives you separate codes for each platform.
  • This gives you a chance for more fine-tuned optimization for each platform. 
  • Having different codes for each one might lead to more work and challenges keeping everything the same. 
  • It potentially makes the updates and bug fixes more complicated and time-consuming. 

So, when it comes to making your life easier in the long run, it depends on your needs and how you would like it, as both approaches have their pros and cons.

7. Community Support and Updates

  • An active developer community is always a plus for the stack. It will help you with problem-solving and sharing knowledge. 
  • Choosing a technology with a history of consistent updates also makes sure that the app stays current, secure, and aligned with industry standards. So, you could choose technologies with long-term support commitments that offer stability and ongoing assistance. This is because LTS versions provide a reliable foundation for maintaining and updating the app over an extended period.
  • Also, a responsive community is vital if there are any security vulnerabilities. Technologies with an active community can help to promptly address these release patches and updates to address emerging threats.


How To Make The Process Easy?

After finalizing your choices down to a few alternatives, if you are still confused, then you can make the decision-making process more accessible by the following:

Refer to Resources

A critical step involves leveraging available resources to make informed decisions. The proficiency of your development team with the chosen technology will expedite the learning curve and enhance their overall efficiency. But when you are stuck, you can always take the help of experienced professionals who have practical knowledge of the technology. Their experience can help you debug or anticipate potential challenges.

If you use a new tech, a space with good resources is like a goldmine. You must invest time in understanding the chosen technology through extensive reading. Check for the availability of libraries and third-party tools that complement the chosen technology. 

Compatibility of the Team

When you choose a tech, ensure the platform's developers are comfortable and compatible. Consider their feedback and preferences for a better collaboration. Plus, this will also add to a positive working environment.

But in case the developers are new to the tech, and there is a need for your team to acquire new skills, invest in good training sessions. 

Focus on Future Scalability

The developers often need to remember that the app might grow further. They choose the technology that suits the current needs perfectly, but when the time comes for its growth, the database and backend fill up, and the runtime reduces. 

Refrain from making this mistake. 

  • Choose a technology that inherently supports scalability. Features like microservices architecture and cloud compatibility contribute to the app's ability to grow with increasing demands. 
  • Investigate the chosen technology's roadmap and commitment to updates. Opt for technologies with a history of adapting to new trends and evolving with the industry. 
  • Most importantly, ensure your app is future-proofed with strategies like modular coding and adherence to best industry practices. 


Choosing the Right Partner

If you want to develop an app, the right development partner is the cornerstone for your success. An experienced partner brings valuable insights, best practices, and a proven track record.

They will know what to do and always be up-to-date with the current market trends. So, don’t hesitate to look at different options and select one that matches your needs.

With a wealth of experience, a skilled team, and a commitment to excellence, Cubet might be a good option. Contact us for a consultation and take the first step toward a successful app development journey.


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