Guide to Implementing Slim View via Template Engine

As we discussed about the basics of slim framework in my first blog: Slim Micro Framework Overview, we can choose slim for building REST APIs as well as Website building. Here I would like to introduce Slim View.
A Slim application view is a subclass of \Slim\View.
Here is the simplest use of the Slim view:
//Create the Slim app Object $app = new \Slim\Slim(array( ‘debug’=> true ));//Create a route for the home page $app->get(‘/’,function () use ($app){ $app->view()->setData(array('foo' => 'bar')); $app->render(‘home.php’); });
We can pass values as array like this,
//Create a route for the home page $app->get(‘/’,function () use ($app){ $app->view()->setData(array('foo' =>$array)); $app->render(‘home.php’); });
Custom View
A Custom view is a subclass of \Slim\View.We can use any third party libraries like Twig ,Smarty etc…
Twig Template Engine:
1.Download Twig
2.Decompress Twig into your project folder.
Project Structure will be like this,
- .htaccess
- index.php
- Slim Folder
- tests Folder
- Twig Folder
- View Folder
3.Open TwigView.php file and edit $twigDirectory variable null to whatever your Twig directory called.
4.Open index.php file and add following codes,
require ‘View/TwigView.php’; //initialize slim to use the TwigView handler Slim::init(array(‘view’ => ‘TwigView’));
require ‘slim/slim.php’; require ‘View/TwigView.php’; //initialize slim to use the TwigView handler Slim::init(array(‘view’ => ‘TwigView’)); //Setup route Slim::get(‘/’,function(){ $title = “My App”; $body = “This is my first application”; //set data to be passed to the view template. slim::view()->setData(array('title' =>$title,'body' =>$body)); slim::render(‘home.html’); }); //Run the application slim::run();
home.html file
Wrapping Up
We can use either Slim-Extras or any templating engine for slim application.Twig template engine is used for the above example.You can use this component to create and render in your slim web applications.