Leveraging Internal Expertise
In today's fast-paced global marketplace Agility is the thing that most organisations give at most importance.
To depend on your permanent employees is not always effective to cater to all the opportunity that comes up. Every Organisation likes to grow and expand its software development team and take it to the next level. On-boarding someone who has just the right skill set for the role can be an often difficult task. That is where Cubet can help you with leveraging our internal expertise.
Having a core group of permanent employees who can maintain the routine works and then bringing in a team as a service model to meet an intense short-term demand is far more efficient. By adopting this method, companies can often get a better return on investment (ROI), engage senior-level talent, and fulfill their technical goals faster. Adopting this approach helps you to bring in skill sets that you don’t currently have in-house, de-risking scale-up and onboarding.
Handshaking with a TAAS provider gives you the flexibility to scale up rapidly without any risk.
A team of remote developers will be working with you directly in a Team as a service model.
TAAS model act as an extended arm of your current team and will be able to have direct personal interaction with each individual on your extended team. As a result, you will be having a smart business model to accelerate your business and get all the control you need over the work, but your resources aren’t being drained.
SMART BUSINESS Acceleration using our Internal Resources
In today's business, improving co-operation is essential for better efficiency and Team as a service provides you the same co-operation by assembling an ideal group of people.
Team as a service provides you flexibility in terms of project management, development environment, issue tracking, adequate servers, etc. The control over the final product will be in the hands of your in house team, and they can focus on core business and adding value to it. The number of people and the time of engagement can be chosen by you. The contract with a TAAS team can be open-ended, episodic or merely temporary while you build your own permanent in-house team. Taas teams can work anywhere in the world for you.
You can make them interact directly with your clients or keep them behind the scenes.