Seven Billion Dreams: Cubet CSR Making its Stand!

  • CubetCubet
  • Web App Development
  • Jun 09 2015

Cubet Celebrating World Environment Day 2015.
June 5, World Environment Day – An opportunity to bring to light the serious challenges we face in our living environment, and some trouble shooters too.

The tagline for this year’s World Environment Day is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume With Care”, and that’s in fact a valuable message to keep in mind. We have to live within our means, and consume with care, if we want to continue to prosper as a species.

Responsibility and respect for the planet we depend upon is not only meant for WED. Each day, individuals have the power to make a choice – to take actions that consider the environment’s well-being now and in generations to come. Humanity and its economy cannot exist without the Earth’s limited natural resources. Working together, with each other and with nature, is the only way to make a healthy, happy and sustained future possible. The choices we make each day must also consider the responsibility we have to the planet.

“Many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed by high population growth and economic development. By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6-billion, we will need three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption.” Says the United Nations.

It’s high time that human beings learns to share, simplifies way of living, and takes any and all honest actions to end the present state of Earth’s ecosystem.

We are living on this planet as though we are the last generation. Just in the last 100 years, man has wiped out most of the forest cover on earth. Is this what we want to leave behind for our children? If we don’t do something about this right NOW, the future generation will look back at us with great animosity.

The easiest, simplest and most effective environmental solution is to plant trees.

Lovegin John, CEO, Cubet Techno Labs Along with Carnival Infopark MD Mr. Raj Krishna Planting a Kudampuli Plant at Infopark

In observance of World Environment Day 2015 and as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility , Cubet Techno Labs took an initiative to distribute Fruit Plants among nature enthusiasts at Infopark , Kochi on June 5th. Cubet + is the CSR club at Cubet Techno Labs comprising 9 members namely Miss. Gladiya Varghese, Mr. Vishal VijayanMr. Mathews T Abraham, Mr. Sarath TV, Mr. Sivaprasad, Mr. Anish Karim, Miss. Mariya James, Mr. Ragesh PP, Mr. Cyril James and Mr. Aneesh K. All the club members joined hands along with Cubet employees in spreading the message loud and clear. I, on behalf of Cubet Techno Labs  thank all those who supported us in making this occasion a grand success. Cubet + is always looking for an opportunity to rise to the occasion to fulfill our social commitment.

Mr. Lovegin John, CEO, Cubet Techno Labs along with Carnival Infopark MD Mr. Raj Krishna planted a Kudampuli (Garcinia cambogia) plant at the Infopark lawns to mark the occasion of World Environment Day.
“The act of planting the trees symbolized Cubet’s commitment to caring for the environment which is part of the Cubet CSR activity,” said Mr.Lovegin John.

Kudampuli Plant Planted By Cubet CEO, Lovegin John at Infopark

I myself was honored to be given an opportunity to speak out on behalf of the Cubet Family on the importance of planting trees and living in harmony with nature to avoid a catastrophic situation on Mother Earth.
We were astonished by the response we had towards this event from organizations and employees working at Infopark, we managed to distribute nearly 500 seedlings among nature enthusiasts.
I believe that this minor effort from our side paved way in spreading a larger message among the techies at infopark, Kochi on World Environment Day.


I, on behalf of Cubet Techno Labs  thank all those who supported us in making this occasion a grand success. Cubet + is always looking for an opportunity to rise to the occasion to fulfill our social commitment.

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