PHPFox Rebrands to Moxi9 !!

  • CubetCubet
  • Web App Development
  • Jan 02 2015

PHPFox Rebranded to Moxi9
The product PHPFox was first released in the year 2005. In 2014, they launched a new company Moxi9 to continue maintain and develop the PHPFox brand. The flagship product will now be sold and maintained on Moxi9.

Pricing Changes

Moxi9 have also reintroduced packages for the product. In the past PHPFox had released a Lite, Network and Community package. Now they introduced 2 packages; Premium and Ultimate, $299 for premium and $499 for the ultimate. This is a one-time fee with free maintenance upgrades within that version family; there is no monthly/yearly rental for the product.

The premium package has 14 days startup support, whereas the ultimate has 30 days startup support from the company Moxi9. Below given is the pricing table for Moxi9.

PHPFox Pricing TableUpgrading to v4

Anyone that has purchased PHPFox on or after June 1st, 2013 will get free access to download v4 regardless if their upgrade contract has expired.

Feature Comparison

Some of the major features are not available in premium package when compared to ultimate package. Shoutbox, Subscription Packages, Videos, Music, Instant Messenger, Forum are the modules which are missing in the premium package. I think these features are necessary when we start developing a social networking site. Therefore, the premium package is not worthy for a social networking site development. It can be useful for startup developers.

Whereas, the ultimate package is really worthy for the one-time fee $499, which is giving users the ability to offer features found on Facebook, MySpace and other networks. There are no additional features/modules required to develop a fully featured social networking site.

Add On modules and Responsive themes

Plenty of add-on modules are available in Moxi9 store in different categories at reasonable prices which can be easily installed on our site with the help of a developer. Go to the moxi9 store to find your appropriate add-on module to finish up your requirements

Additionally, Moxi9 has stated that they will include a responsive theme with V4 by default, which all future themes can extend with ease. Mobile friendly responsive themes are really attractive for the version 3 product.

Language Packs

Moxi9 provides different language packs for the product phpfox. Around 10 language packs are now available for the current version product.

Moxi9 Community

The Moxi9 community is really helpful to a buyer and developer. Questions & Answers, Technical experts discussions, Issue tracker etc. help you to easily manage with the product and its features.

Moxi9 Support

In Moxi9 Question Section you can ask technical/practical questions about the PHPFox product and also about the services they offer for the PHPFox product.

Apparently, the company is planning on incorporating more features into the package variants. So hopefully, we can expect a revamped version of Moxi9 soon. Can’t wait to bring your the insight on it and hoping to do it as soon as it is launched. Meanwhile, let me know about your queries and suggestions with respect to this post.

Refer this link for more information

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