How To Build An Enterprise LLM Application?

  • Vipin ChandranVipin Chandran
  • Application Development
  • a year ago
How To Build An Enterprise LLM Application

Large Language Models, known as LLMs, are gaining traction in the corporate sector. They provide automation in text-based jobs, which can enhance data analysis and the quality of interactions with customers. Recent studies have shown that customer satisfaction increases by 15% for businesses that implement LLMs. 

As a result of these benefits, many companies are beginning to think of creating their own LLM application for the company. This is a practical approach to solving specific challenges within an organization. By customizing an LLM to meet your company's needs, you can aim for more targeted solutions and better outcomes. This blog explores the crucial steps to develop a reliable and efficient LLM solution for your organization's unique needs.


Step:1 Identifying the Problem

The initial and perhaps most critical step in creating an Enterprise LLM Application is pinpointing the specific issue it aims to address.

To accurately identify this problem, conduct internal surveys across multiple departments within your organization. These surveys should be designed to get clear responses that can highlight the challenges an LLM could solve.

Once the survey data is collected, focus on analyzing it to identify recurring themes or challenges. This is not the stage to propose solutions. Instead, understand the landscape of needs within your organization. Your analysis can focus on the following questions:

  • Are there inefficiencies in how textual data is processed? 
  • Is there a bottleneck in customer service response times? 
  • Is there a need for more accurate sentiment analysis in marketing strategies?

By conducting a thorough analysis of the survey data, you lay the groundwork for the next steps in the LLM development process. This data-driven approach makes sure that the problem you aim to solve is not just assumed but validated by internal stakeholders, thereby aligning the LLM project with actual organizational needs.


Step 2: Finding the Solution

The next step is to make a set of features for the Large Language Model that solves these problems. What the LLM will be able to do is outlined in the feature set. As an example, real-time text analytics could be a feature if the problem is slow data processing.

Rank these traits based on how important they are and how possible they are. This means talking to different departments to find out what their wants and limits are. A well-prioritized set of features makes sure that the most important problems are fixed first, which makes the best use of resources.

Integration with current business software is the next important part. It is key to making sure that the LLM works well with the technology you already have in place. Talk to your IT staff about the features you've chosen to make sure they'll work with your current systems. They may do technical tests to make sure that the LLM can work with other software correctly so that there are no problems with operations.


Step 3: Creating a Proof of Concept (POC)

Before fully committing to the development of an LLM-based application service, a Proof of Concept is necessary. This step is the most important for validating that your LLM application caters to your requirements.

1. Data Collection

The first order of business is gathering the correct data. The type of data, text, audio, or even video depends on what your LLM aims to analyze. Always make sure you comply with data privacy laws when collecting this data.

2. Algorithm Selection and Initial Model Training

In the next step, you'll need to select the algorithms that align with your LLM's objectives. This could range from Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms for text analytics to machine learning algorithms for more complex data patterns. Collaborate with your IT and data science teams to ensure compatibility with existing systems.

3. Configuration

This step involves the technical setup of your chosen algorithms. You'll need to define specific configurations, such as neural network layers or learning rates, which are important for the initial training of your model.

By the end of this POC, you should have a basic but operational LLM that can perform tasks relevant to your enterprise. Cubet offers specialized LLM-based application services that can be tailored to your enterprise's unique needs.


Step 4: Generating Acceptance

After your POC has proven successful, the next step is to gain stakeholder approval. This involves two key elements: a persuasive presentation and a precise cost-benefit analysis.

  • Highlight POC Metrics: First, compile the critical performance indicators that validate your POC's success. For instance, if customer engagement increased by 25% or if data processing times were cut by 15%, these are your key metrics. Present these numbers in straightforward charts or graphs to make the data easily digestible for stakeholders.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Create a straightforward table that outlines the project's costs, such as development time and resources. On the opposite side, list the benefits, like time saved or increased revenue. The return on investment (ROI) can be computed by multiplying the project's net profit by the total cost and dividing it by 100. All parties involved will then have an accurate picture of the project's financial health.


Step 5: Building the Final Product

  • Scaling the POC: You'll need an exemplary architecture to handle more data and more users. On the hardware side, consider server capabilities and storage. Find out if you will have cloud-based or on-site servers. For software, think about the database management systems you'll use. Make sure they can handle the increased load without slowing down. If you're unsure about how to scale effectively, Cubet’s LLM consulting services can provide expert guidance.
  • Security Measures: You'll need reliable security features to protect sensitive data. Start with data encryption. Encryption is the first line of defense for protecting sensitive information, whether it is customer data or company communications. Further, make sure everyone is using two-factor authentication (2FA). This provides an additional safeguard that could prove crucial in a variety of situations.


Step 6: User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing, often abbreviated as UAT, is an essential component in the development of an enterprise Large Language Model application. This step involves the careful selection of a diverse set of end-users for the testing phase. This group should represent a variety of roles, age groups, and technical proficiencies to make sure that the application's features and functionalities meet the needs of a broad spectrum of users.

Moreover, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that will serve as the metrics for evaluating the UAT's success. These range from the time efficiency in completing specific tasks to user satisfaction levels. These KPIs should be quantifiable to allow for an objective assessment. Utilizing specialized tracking tools can facilitate real-time monitoring, thus enabling immediate adjustments to the application if necessary.


Step 7: Go-To-Market Strategies

After the development phase is complete, your LLM application is ready for launch. Understanding your target market is one of the critical business strategies. For example, if your LLM application specializes in automating customer service, your target market could be companies in the retail or service sectors. Position your application as an indispensable tool for these industries.

  • Pre-Launch Marketing: You can start your marketing campaign approximately 90 days before the scheduled launch. Utilize social media platforms, informative blog posts, and educational webinars to introduce your target market to the unique solutions your LLM application offers.
  • Launch Day Activities: On the day of the launch, take a multi-channel approach for your announcements. This can include email newsletters, social media updates, and press releases to maximize reach.
  • Post-Launch Customer Engagement: The launch is just the beginning. Maintain customer interest through the sharing of testimonials and case studies. Conduct webinars or create tutorial videos to assist new users in maximizing the utility of your application.



From the initial requirement analysis to the post-launch maintenance, each step in the process of creating an enterprise-level Large Language Model application has its own set of essential deliverables. To gain buy-in from stakeholders, having a clearly defined project plan in place during requirement analysis, a clean dataset for model training and a convincing return on investment calculation is vital.

Furthermore, a detailed marketing strategy is important for successful market entry and sustained growth. Cubet's LLM consulting services offer specialized guidance tailored to your specific needs. By following this structured approach, businesses can maximize both the impact and ROI of their LLM application.

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