Creating a Positive Working Environment

The IT industry has experienced a tremendous growth over the past decade, as things stand at the moment, IT sector contributes nearly 13% towards India’s GDP and provides 3 million direct jobs.
Competition is nothing new for IT companies and long gone are the days when you as an IT company, does not find anyone pulling your leg to be on the top.
To create a positive working environment, It is suggested that the companies come forward and promote various activities for reducing stress level of their employees.
Cubet’s Approach
A thoughtful and efficient management is always the fuel towards a positive change. Since its inception, Cubet has built a culture based on the values of trust, mutual respect and dialogue. Our Management and employees work together to create and maintain positive individual and collective relationships, and are expected to do so as an integral part of their job. Cubet has a unique approach towards their employees. Here everyone has an equivalent criterion to express their ideas and opinions. Cubet strives for proactive and continuous improvement of its relationships with its employees. We care at both ends, our clients and our employees. We ensure that direct and frequent communication is established at the workplace between management and our employees. Cubet has a pleasant adaptive work culture which suits each employee and never makes them feel exhausted. We pay attention in creating a positive work environment and culture.
Tips from HR Desk
Nine hours of your office work eats-up the major portion of the 24-hour clock. Being positive at workplace not only increases productivity but also enhances working relationship. So how do you create a positive working environment?
- Love your Job – Falling in love with your work is an essential criterion to stay productive. Disturb mentors with your queries (whatever and however stupid it maybe), Detach from your comfort zone and take up new challenges. Master your domain.
- Maintain good workplace relationships, having a friendly environment at workplace reduces your stress level and makes you feel comfortable at work.
- Stay Healthy– Physically being healthy has a direct correlation with mental as well as emotional wellness. Even a cold can disturb your mind and distract you from your goal.
- Take a break– Get out off from your seat once in a while, breathe out some fresh air and relax yourself. Avoid stressing out yourself by doing nonstop work. Do not over exhaust yourself.
- Embrace change– Changes happen in due course of time, be it as part of technology or company management. Show flexibility in unlearning old approaches and versatility in learning the new process. Resistance to change will derail your career.
- Smile– Nothing hurts to greet your coworkers with a smile.
- Colleagues– Respect, appreciate and encourage each other.
- Explore yourself- Stop being robotic in nature, find time for yourself. Never let the work life be a hurdle to your personal life. An enthusiastic person always spreads positiveness.
Positive working environment is an absolute necessity in maximizing employee productivity which in turn enhances company’s growth and professional capacity of the employee.