Angular 7: Applicational Changes and Growth

  • CubetCubet
  • Angular
  • May 17 2019
Angular 7: Applicational Changes and Growth

Angular is a Type-Script based open source web application framework. The updates are in line with Application Performance, Angular Material & CDK (Component Dev Kit), Virtual Scrolling, Improved Accessibility of Selects, Content Projection using web standards and dependency updates regarding RxJS and Node 10. The much-awaited version of Angular, Angular 7 is out with advanced features. Angular is ruling the front end development for the past 10 years. The first version is called Angular JS and now the version has reached Angular 7. The best additions in features include Tree-shaking and AOT (Ahead Of Time) Compiling, progressive web apps, enhancements in Material Design. Google released the latest version in October 2018. Angular 7 is focused on the Ivy project. This will rewrite the compiler and runtime code to make it super smart.

In this article let’s take a look at the application changes and growth of Angular 7.

Angular 7 – CLI Prompts

Angular CLI in Angular 7 will prompt users when they type commands in-line like ng-add and ng-new. This will help the user to understand the built-in features like routing or SCSS support. data predictive analytics will help HR to find practical solutions for employee retention. While creating new projects, Angular 7 uses Bundle Budgets in CLI. Google has included Schematics for package benefits.

Angular 7 – App Performance   

Earlier versions of Angular included duplicate metadata polyfill in production. This is supposedly accepted in development. Angular 7 will automatically remove metadata from polyfills and this is included as a build step when building the application in JIT mode. To increase the performance, new applications will warn if the size is more than 2 MB and will throw an error if the size is more than 5 MB. The above size definitions can be edited in the angular.json file. Users can use this option to optimize the usage of Chrome’s Data Saver features.

Angular 7 – Angular Material and CDK (Component Development Kit)

Angular 7 includes improvements in Material design. In addition to design, the features include Scrolling Module for virtual scrolling which helps in dynamic loading and unloading of large sets of data and drag-and-drop option by importing the drag-drop module. In Virtual scrolling, the changes made in the DOM elements can be simultaneously viewed.  In drag-and-drop, sorting can be done within a list, animations, custom drag handles and placeholders can be included.

Angular 7 – Angular Compatibility Compiler

The angular 7 Compiler will be used to transform the node_modules compiled with ngc to node_modules which are compatible with the new Ivy rendering engine (ngtsc). This update will allow the usage of legacy packages. Angular 7 has added a new life cycle hook bootstrap and interface. Also, error handling is improved in Angular 7. The new compiler accelerates the compilation and reduces the size by 2 times.

Angular 7 – Angular Elements with Slot

Angular elements now support content projection using web standards for custom elements. A new HTML element is introduced as a feature called ‘Slot’. This will enable components with a template. This is the most important update in Angular 7.

Angular 7 – Better Accessibility of Selects  

Earlier versions have used the native select element in the mat-form-field. Now, the new version has the mat-select option that controls the presentation options. Performance, Accessibility, and Usability are improved with the latest version.

Angular 7 – Documentation and Dependency Updates

The documentation on  has updated the reference material for the angular CLI. Dependencies have been upgraded on the third party objects which include the support of TypeScript 3.1 and Node 10.

Angular 7 – Other Updates and Future

The angular console is a downloadable console for starting and running angular projects. NativeScript helps to build for both web and mobile. Stack Blitz helps in tabbed editing. Platform Browser, Bazel and ServiceWorker are the additional updates available in Angular 7.

Summing up all the above super features, Angular 7 is the most accessible solution for web development for the recent technological booms like Virtual Scrolling, Drag and Drop Materialistic design and Bitcoin Mining. The Ivy renderer is still in the development phase. This great feature will get deployed in the near future. If you plan to implement your firm’s solution based on web and mobile technologies, Angular 7 is the best and updated solution available in the market.

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