An Introduction to Hapijs- Part 2

  • Cubettech
  • Web App Development
  • 8 years ago
An Introduction to Hapijs- Part 2

As promised, I’m continuing with my blog on hapijs introduction. On this session, we will start by testing the API with some API client. Hapi has its own api testing client Hapi-swagger. We have installed it and registered it in app.js. So shall we use that?.

Eventhough we installed (package.json) , included and registered(app.js) Hapi-swager , it is not fully ready to use. Because Hapi-swager has no idea on which all routes should be handled by them.

Inorder to inform Hapi-swager to use our adduser.js, just add a tags:[‘api’] in config portion of the adduser.js file. Go back to adduser.js and find that line. By this we are informing Hapi-swager that use this adduser route as api.

Since we have done some changes in our js file Run

$ node app.js

Lets browse http://localhost:3000/documentation  we can see the Hapi swagger UI where we can test our adduser post api.

Hapi swagger UI

Now, check your apiuser database for the new value. We can see our table updated with new values. You also have the freedom to test JOI module here. Try to add invalid values to name and id to check how api responds.

8: Be More Structural :  Controllers and Models

We can now examine how to implement controllers and models. Calling controllers from routes. We can arrange our routes codes in more professional way. Lets first see how to implement controllers.  Create a controllers folder in our root folder and create a addusercontroller.js file inside that.  Shall we create a models folder and a addusermodel.js file inside that now itself? Ok lets do it.

Now, add some codes for addusercontroller. Keep in mind that we are going to create a controller that can aid the routes in its functionality.


'use strict'; const db            = require('../database.js'); // include the database file and get the db object const Joi           =  require('joi');//include the joi module for validation //this is something similar to a constructor. function addUserController() { } //we create a new function  addUsers addUserController.prototype.addUsers = function(request,reply)            {                    var post = {,};  db.connection.query(                        'INSERT INTO apiuser set?',post,                        function(err, rows) {                            reply([{                                    statusCode: 200,                                    message: 'Inserted successfully',                                }]);                          if(err) {                            throw new Error(err)                          }                        }                      )                            } module.exports = addUserController;

Here, observe the code portion for  addUsers function . You can see the same code that we have used in adduser.js router. What we have done here is we created a controller and placed the handler  function code in router to this. module.exports will complete the contoller creation.

Now, we have created a new controller that can be the router to make more structural. Then, lets see how to call this controller in adduser.js router. Open adduser.js router file and modify as follows.


Var addContl = require('../controllers/addusercontroller.js); // include our new controller exports.register = function(server,options,next) {    var addContlObj = new addContl(); // create an object for the new controller.    server.route([{            method: 'POST',            path:   '/adduser',            config: {                   tags : ['api'], // let it be here for now. I will explain it later in this blog                // We use Joi plugin to validate request                validate: {                    payload: {                        // Both name and id are required fields                        name: Joi.string().required(),                        id: Joi.number().required()                    }                }            },            handler:  addContlObj. addUsers//  see here we removed a lot of codes and simply handed                                                                      over that to our new controller function addUsers    }]);    next(); }; exports.register.attributes = {    name    :'adduser-route',    version : '0.0.1' };

Thus by including the controller on routes we acheived a structured format for our app
Since we have done some changes in our js file Run

$ node app.js

Now its time for a model. In our previous section we examined how a controller helps a router. Now, lets see how a model helps a controller. Lets open the addusermodel.js in model folder and have the following codes in that.


'use strict'; const db            = require('../database.js'); // include the database file and get the db object const Joi           =  require('joi');//include the joi module for validation //this is something similar to a constructor. function addUserModel() { } //we create a new function  saveData addUserModel.prototype.saveData = function(palyloadData)            {                    var post = {name:palyloadData .name,id:palyloadData .id};                    db.connection.query(                        'INSERT INTO apiuser set?',post,                        function(err, rows) {                          if(err) {                            throw new Error(err)                          }                        }                      )                            } module.exports = addUserModel;

Here we can see we have simply moved some codes from controller to model file. So obviously we need some changes for our addusercontroller.js file. So lets modify our addusercontroller.js as follows.


'use strict'; Var addModl = require('../models/addusermodel.js); // include our new model //this is something similar to a constructor. function addUserController() { } //we create a new function  addUsers addUserController.prototype.addUsers = function(request,reply)            {                    var  addModlObj =  new addModl();  // our model object                    var result  =  addModlObj.saveData(request.payload); // call the model function                    reply(result);            } module.exports = addUserController;

Thats all . Now we have all our basic folders and files.

Since we have done some changes in our js file Run

$ node app.js

Note :  After each edit in any of the js file, inorder to reflect that in output, run the node command. Afer the configuration of Hapi-swagger, we have the freedom to test our implementation using that.

Hapi and be happy

By this, I hope you  have got  a basic idea on Hapi/ joi/swagger/mysql etc. Thats it . Now go and explore more on Hapi and be happy. Thanks.

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