Laravel Elasticsearch Integration Packages

  • CubetCubet
  • Laravel Development
  • Jul 08 2016
Laravel Elasticsearch Integration Packages

User experience is one of the critical components, irrespective of whether you are developing a web or mobile application. The attention span of visitors to any websites or applications has been seemingly decreasing.  Ads, pop-up contacts and other notifications on the websites or applications can be pitched as the main reason for this. Literally transformed, it is eminent that you give your visitors what they are in search for in a jiffy. This is one of the reasons why people integrate searches in their applications. One of the latest innovations to website or app searches is Elasticsearch.  

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is considered to be a robust searching mechanism that is bundled with several useful functionalities. This real-time search and analytics engine has a clear-cut edge over the ‘full-text’ search feature. The Elasticsearch search mechanism is crafted bottom-to-top is ideal for large and distributed environment, where reliability and versatility are inevitable.  

Laravel Elasticsearch Packages

You have the option to integrate Elasticsearch  in Laravel instantly with any of the applications using some packages and a composer. These packages are listed below:


Plastic is an Elasticsearch ODM that offers a peerless syntax for different search functionalities like querying, mapping etc.

You can install plastic via the following code:

composer require sleimanx2/plastic

Elasticsearch Eloquent:

The package renders the developer with the privilege to interact with Elasticsearch akin to interaction with Laravel Eloquent models.

You can install Elasticsearch Eloquent via composer, using the following code:

$ composer require isswp101/elasticsearch-eloquent


The elastisearcher can be accounted for facilitating ideal architecture for queries and indices in applications. Basically, the package works in conjunction with Elasticsearch PHP client and does not hide or replace its functionalities.

You can install the latest version of elastisearcher via composer:

composer require madewithlove/elasticsearcher


Elasticquent is responsible for conjugating Eloquent models to the Elasticsearch types and thereby plays a pivotal role in reducing the work hassle. This package is also characterized by the use of Elasticsearch PHP API.

You can get started by adding the Elasticquent to your composer.json file by using the following command:

"elasticquent/elasticquent": "dev-master"

Spatie Search Index:

Spatie Search Index is the Laravel 5.1 package that is responsible for storing and retrieving elements from search indexes.

You can install the package via composer using the following command:

composer require spatie/searchindex

Elasticsearch can be quoted as the flawless form of online search types ever and it promises scalability and reliability. Integrating Elasticsearch with your Laravel app opens up limitless opportunities in the form of customer experience and data retrieval.

At Cubet, we maintain a professional team of Laravel developers who follow all the pertinent technology updates and make themselves adept with the same. If you have any Laravel project in mind, kindly feel free to contact us for a free quote or for a detailed discussion with our Laravel professionals.

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